New Year, New Me.
Hey Ho, Let's Go,
As this is my first post, I'm going to try and keep it short and sweet, however, I have a years worth of stories to tell you, that if I let myself, would all come spewing out in one long rambling prose that would make Thomas Moore proud (i'm surprised I even got him in, if you don't know him, he wrote Utopia, I studied it in GCSE English, never again) and no doubt the rest of you shudder away and it's only 8th January.
For starters, I'm assuming you've read my 'About Me' section. It's as simple as 'New Year, New Me'.
I always make resolutions each year and break them or forget about them every time. 'I'll be better', 'I'll go the gym', 'I'll keep a diary', 'I'll work harder,' 'I'll figure out what I want with my life' and as the year goes on, I give up one step at a time. 'I tried' I say to myself, 'I'm just not cut out for jumpin' jacks and weight training, I love coffee and cheese on toast too much.'
But this year I put my foot down and thought, no, not this time, this time I WILL keep to things, so I started a blog to keep me motivated. How original. Do I want a medal? Yes, I want a medal that says,
Yep, you read that right 8%. (you can read it on Forbes website) Only 8% of the world's population keep their New Year resolutions, how daunting is that? With my track record of motivational problems i'm clearly doomed to failure. I try each year to keep a diary and forget about it after 3 days, but give me Facebook and tumblr and I can write you a day in my life within minutes. That was when I realised, I don't need no diary, I need a blog and a good day to write about. So here I am starting my own blog, hopefully bringing you reviews, opinions and just general laugh out loud moments of a normal liverpool girl.
Now, as is tradition, I think if I state my aims for 2013, online, for the world to see, I'll be more inclined to keep to them.
Dear Me, please try to:
- Be Optimistic
- Say YES to more things
- Don't be a doormat
- Go to more gigs
- Do more art
- Put on more gigs
- Write more
- Take more photos
- Work hard.
- Look after yourself better.
Now the past year has taught me many things, but the main things, are these, which I think can apply to everyone in general:
1) It's Your Life, Live it - We only live once, if you're not happy with what you're doing, it is NEVER too late to change that. Don't keep to something because it's 'expected of you', or 'you've been doing it so long, you can't possibly stop now'. If you want to be a bin man you go be a bin man, you want to be a lawyer, you go be a lawyer, or even if it's as simple as you want a jam doughnut, you eat that damn doughnut.
2) Forgive, Not Forget - Do NOT under any circumstance, allow someone's ill actions toward you, affect your judgement to others and build into hate. Hate is counter-productive, the amount of times you say you hate that person? You could be using it to show how much you love another. The grimace you have when you seen them? Could be used to form a smile to a stranger. Forgive them for what they've done, they clearly don't know any better, the fact you've forgiven yet not forgotten will show them a) they need to haul ass out of there or b) Know not to hurt you again, a fate, which I believe is worse than never being forgiven. It's like the whole 'I'm not angry, just disappointed' speech you get from the parents. Imagine getting that from someone you know? Or better, giving that to someone you know.
3) Be Heard - You have an idea, you say that idea, you didn't understand the question in the lecture? Trust me 20 other people will have that idea and won't understand the question. You're not happy the way you're being treated by your friends? Or the way they act? Not happy with treatment in the workplace? Always keeping your tongue held? Spit it out, let them know you're not happy with them because the more you keep quiet, the more they'll think you don't mind, they'll think you're a doormat and that their behaviour is acceptable. If you're being bullied in school, tell a teacher, it's ok to do so.
A friend of mine told me 'we're all the same, you can't hurt me anymore than I can hurt you, we're all human.' It's true. You might be a 5ft girl and they might be a 6ft hench of a man, but kick him in the right place and he'll be on the floor in a sucker punch.
A friend of mine told me 'we're all the same, you can't hurt me anymore than I can hurt you, we're all human.' It's true. You might be a 5ft girl and they might be a 6ft hench of a man, but kick him in the right place and he'll be on the floor in a sucker punch.
4) Moderation This past year, I won't lie, I did NOT do things in moderation, I drank too much, slept to little, ate too much junk, my work was horrific and I paid for it. NOT THE WAY TO GO. Moderation in life is key. I think the 8 hour approach is good to start. 8 hour sleep, 8 hour work, 8 hour play. 8am - 12am. You want in on that party? DO SOME WORK. You'll feel better at the party knowing you have 4 readings and 2,000 words behind you, so you can really have fun. It will also bring peaceful nights sleep.
5) Don't Give Up, Don't Give In - 'Life is a bitch', It's there to kick us when we're down and knock us off our course, like a ship out to sea we get dragged down. Devastating things can happen, but the sad truth is, life goes on, it doesn't stop for anyone but help IS there. Family, friends will surprise you at how willing they are to help and call services are there if you need them. Yes, by all means take a break or have a breakdown, but whatever you do, do not give up and do not give in. Look at Susan Boyle, she had a hard life, but she DIDN'T give up and she lived her dream and sang with Ellen Page, you may laugh but it's true, she got her dream, so who's laughing now? There's one way out, once you take it you can't come back and see the days where you could have made it through and smiled once again.
(images are not mine. I need to back and credit them.)
Happy New Year and here's to a new year of blogging. Liverpool I'm coming for you.