Christmas Time, Mistletoe and Whine
T'was the season to be jolly, fa la la la get the point. However, Christmas came and I was fast asleep in bed, unwilling to wake, not even to see if Father Christmas had been or if his elves had wrapped the presents for me, I'm beginning to understand why the grinch stole christmas. I mean, I didn't even wish for snow. (For anybody who knows me, that's THE thing I will always wish for, not bar a dog, no matter my age). With exams and essays due in around the corner, now was not the time to be celebrating or partying for stressed out students, it's fair to say I was more 'bah humbug' than Scrooge, I even have the jumper to prove it.
It's meant to be a joy of celebration and merriment, great food and time of giving, when in reality we're stressed headless chickens looking for the most affordable, yet chic presents for our nearest and dearest, worrying if we've left anyone out. Then comes christmas day, the turkey won't fit in the oven so you have to cut it in half, (no way will it be ready for the Queens Speech or Doctor Who's Christmas Special) you burnt the roasties your kids (yes mum, I) have been waiting for all year. You know the ones I mean, those really fluffy ones in a crisp coating that get you thinking 'who's the Queen now, Nigella?' Or you're waiting for your grandparents to come down from the spare room to give them their presents. Once that's done the younger family members turn your house upside down with their new doll houses and racing cars, the teens or young adults *ahem* plug in their new musical device and mobile phones (I got Home Alone and a bottle of Jack, I was sorted) and you sit watching TV with a food coma, whilst you all eventually nod off one by one, just like every sunday night.
Now don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, I get so excited for it, I was looking at all the christmas lights in town and singing Christmas songs in October. Exactly. OCTOBER. The time when you're supposed to celebrate Halloween yet suddenly the shops have decided to forget about that little ditty and decide to prepare you for christmas instead. Come Christmas day, the songs drive you crazy, the decorations lose their feel good appeal and the toffee nut lattes and red cups just seem bog standard.
(Source: .
The only thing I felt Christmassy about was wearing my jumpers whilst making gingerbread men and eggnog, that only happened on the 2nd January too, (in fact I'm drinking some now) and the shops are already bringing out the easter eggs...for March. (However, that's a whole different scenario, I could go on.)
I propose we celebrate Halloween, for at least the whole of October, Christmas at the END of November and Creme Eggs should be all year round - and if you didn't do opertion shoebox appeal for the children - SHAME ON YOU!
Yes, it would seem the spirit of Christmas has well and truly been lost, no longer do the majority of people worry about getting to mass on time, (though you do see a surge in church attendance) they're more worried about making sure the right presents are bought, the clothes are sorted, the tree is perfect the food shopping is done and there's a bounty of alcohol in the cupboard for a perfect day of gluttony. Oh the Irony.
What's your Christmas Whine been this year?