Top Tips to Survive SoundCity - It's a jungle out there!

  Soundcity is a concrete Jungle of absolute madness and sheer disarray for a first timer  and there are certain things you're gonna wanna know before you venture into it,  with these trusty top tips, (i've had experience for 3 years now) you're gonna be able to walk around town with your head held high and your feet racing in a mad rush.

Say hello to the Green Monster...

   Deadlines are approaching, there's 3 weeks left to get your whole year to a 2:1 or preferably a (1st),  more realistically, ANY THING THAT'S A PASS!!  SoundCity's almost upon us and half of Liverpool is wallowing in misery of Gerrard's slip (Mourinio planted something, I swear). It's the time of year where students sob into their books, staring longingly at the sunshine and sudden heatwave that usually occurs around now. Girls (and guys alike) are stopping at nothing to get into that Bikini they've had their eye on in New Look to flaunt on their sunnies, IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE CRAZY NIGHTS  OUT AND  NOW KFC DELIVERIES from Hungover Liverpool. Well I tell you now, I've found a solution to get that oh so needed health kick start. Welcome to the Green Monster Smoothie.

SoundCity Is a Go!

   Right these past few weeks have been absolutely hectic, with many triumphs and commiserations, all for good reasons though, which is all for another chinwag! I am happy to announce This Girl and Her Kicks has bagged herself a press pass (delegate pass, as it were) for Liverpool's Sound City, meaning I'll be reviewing the whole weekend especially for you! 

I give myself very good advice, but very seldom follow it.

Hello Lovelies,

   As you can see, I've been on a very,very long hiatus, I hold my hands up,  I started this with good intentions and had huge plans and I went and left everyone in the lurch, left this blog alone, neglected to wither in the dust of  blogs that have been, gone and made no mark or matter in the realm of social media.  To be frank, I started this whilst everything in my life was all over the place, they way I treated this page literally be an example of how I felt throughout the whole of last year and the year before.  

 So I took advice from my first post, I took things in moderation and decided to focus more on my work and studies, everything extra curricular had to go. If it didn't help towards my studies, or a distraction it went. (This is not moderation, this is overloading and shutting yourself from a basic human need of social interaction and the best form of therapy, company and laughter.) The guitar went, writing went, drawing went, it was just me,  uni, my best friend and alcohol. Sooner or later, the alcohol took over, now I'm not bragging about this, it's nothing to brag about, if you have problems, alcohol is not the answer. ( this however is a completely different blog post, which I will be talking about.)