Say hello to the Green Monster...


   Deadlines are approaching, there's 3 weeks left to get your whole year to a 2:1 or preferably a (1st),  more realistically, ANY THING THAT'S A PASS!!  SoundCity's almost upon us and half of Liverpool is wallowing in misery of Gerrard's slip (Mourinio planted something, I swear). It's the time of year where students sob into their books, staring longingly at the sunshine and sudden heatwave that usually occurs around now. Girls (and guys alike) are stopping at nothing to get into that Bikini they've had their eye on in New Look to flaunt on their sunnies, IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE CRAZY NIGHTS  OUT AND  NOW KFC DELIVERIES from Hungover Liverpool. Well I tell you now, I've found a solution to get that oh so needed health kick start. Welcome to the Green Monster Smoothie.

It's quick, it's easy, it's healthy and it's fit as. It helps restore hair and nails, skin and general boost of energy and gets your metabolism going. What I love about these smoothies, is as a student you're either no play, all work with no time for food, or so hungover you can't even manage toast or water, these  work as  an energy boost, a snack and a great hangover cure all in one.

 It can be a tad expensive buying fresh all the time but try your local grocers (there's loads of them round Liverpool so don't try and blag there is none, just make the effort), if you really can't, Aldi is your best mate as well as TAKK on Smithdown road or Matta's on Bold St, I swear down. (although being in rush I did run in Holland and Barratt's * IT'S THE PENNY SALE okay?!*  for them pesky Chia Seeds and Tesco metro by St John's…robbed I was).

You can make them with anything you please, the base is spinach, banana, milk (any kind) and Yoghurt. Throw any veg, seeds, health powders, spices, whatever you want. I'll link you below to where it all came from, with various recipes to give you big ideas, as well as explaining the benefits. It's well better than going for ay fad diet and supplements, just one a day and eat regularly you're half way to being healthier already. Here's my attempt at a  Green Monster Smoothie. *hint <-- Link*

Apple & Cinnamon Green Monster 

 This made 3 of those plastic on-the-go coffee mugs from primarni, so just halve it for one portion.

2 Bananas (frozen)
3 Fistfuls of Spinach
1 Apple
2 handfuls of Blueberries (Frozen)
2 Tsp of Chia Seeds
1/2 Cup of Almond Breeze
3 Big Tablespoons of Greek Yoghurt
A really long squirt of Honey
Generous Sprinkle of Cinnamon

 All you need to do is chuck all of that into a blender, do it by halves though, as it could clog your blender and no one wants to deal with that of a night or morning. It's really up to you how much of what you put in,  all depends on how you like it! What I will say is, take a spoon or stirrer, it can go mushy more than smoothie if you leave it, the only downside.

Go on, give them a case of the green eyed monster.


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