Coffee, Cakes and Catch ups @ Filter & Fox

These past few weeks for me have been all about reconnecting. After these past few months, I took a step a back and realised how disconnected and Isolated I had become or was becoming, I missed friends birthdays, nights out dates, I just stopped. When I spoke to people or went out, it was few and far between Not in a malicious way, I just didn't try or feel up to it, maybe I needed it, I needed to be selfish for my own sanity.

In all honesty, I didn't even notice how I was acting until one of my friends literally slapped me in the face with this biting truth, 'you hardly talk anymore and you missed their birthday, it was last weekend.' What a friend I was.

image from


So way back in my teens I adored poetry and literature, taking A level's in English, Theatre and Art, I kind of had to be slightly obsessed, really. From Shakespeare to Salinger, from Gonzo to Beat Generation, I was hooked. 

 Unfortunately, it's something that I lost or grew disinterested in the past few years and it's only recently, the past 2 weeks or so, that it's stirred my interest again. I've not written anything in over 4/5 years, until today and this fired out.  

The blog post I never thought I'd write.

Christmas and New Year have been and gone, the January blues have sailed away and suddenly it's March, but it feels like the middle of winter and the teaser trailer for Game of Thrones season 6 has come out, Bowie's passed away and we've lost Alan Rickman, Lemmy, Glen Frey and George Martin to name but a few. 2016 has so far been extremely bleak.